Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Prayer # 6

As I continue this series on prayer, this is the second post on so called "conditions" to successful praying. As I have said before, most of those passages usually looked at as conditions that must be met are not restrictions to prayer but encouragements to pray. This is another of those passages.

I know that at least hundreds of times, and likely thousands, I have heard someone pray publicly “Lord you said where two or more are gathered in your name that you would be there too and answer their prayer”. This is very true according to Matt 18:19 but again it is not a condition that must be met, but rather an encouragement to draw our brothers and sisters in the faith into our prayers. There is not a hint anywhere that God is more likely to answer if two or more are praying than if one prays alone. James 5:16 makes it clear that an individual can get his prayers answered, and the Bible is full of such cases. You should note that almost all of the commands, and the ensuing promises about prayer in the Bible are made to individuals.

Praying together was a mark of the early church and the book of Acts says over and over “and when they had prayed....” thus and so happened. We ought to pray together, in small groups, in large groups, even in a great auditorium with thousands it is good to pray. Prayer is always right and the will of God, but you, by yourself can have regular answers to prayer. The condition is that you pray! A man who will not pray alone can not likely be counted on to pray sincerely in a group setting.

Grace and Peace,
Royce Ogle


Paula Harrington said...

Hi Royce,

I'm enjoying your posts on prayer. Awhile back me and a couple others were talking about I Thess 5:17. My belief is that we are to live everyday with an open line of communication with God so that everything we do and say includes Him. That our whole day should be in prayer. A couple agreed with me but a couple were completely against this idea and said that our prayer time should always be separate from our other time. What do you think or have I confused you? I have that gift, you know. :)

Royce Ogle said...

We should pray without ceasing, so I can't understand why anyone would disagree with you.

We should have a time when we concentrate on praying, but often God gives wonderful answers even before I ask. I have only thought about the need and His ability to give a solution and suddenly the answer is there. After all, He knows what we need before we ask.

And of course the blessed Holy Spirit makes groanings to the Father that cannot be put into words when we don't know what to ask.

Every child of God should have an attitude of going to God with every problem and thanking Him for every victory.

Thanks for your comments.


preacherman said...

Over this past month while I was in the hospital in ICU my prayer live has changed. I have been praying more and more. I pray constantly. I pray according to his will. I pray without ceasing. It is amazing what God has done in my life but not only in my life but in the life of my family as well. I am also seeing God bless my ministry. I have enjoyed reading your series on prayer. I believe God's people need to be a prayering people. Prayer shouldn't be a burden but a blessing. Prayer should joy. Prayer is powerful.
I want to thank you for your prayers and continued prayer for me while I continue to recover.

God bless you brother and again thank you for this wonderful series on prayer.

Darin L. Hamm said...

Great thoughts, very insightful.

Thanks for sharing.