Sunday, December 24, 2006

"A Child is given, a Son is born"

May the Christ of Christmas be the Lord of your life in the coming year. Born to die, never before or since was a child like this one who would save His people from their sins.
He was God's first child, conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of a virgin. He would come in a body prepared by God to be the sacrifice offered for the sins of every human of every age. By perfect living and perfect dying, He paid the supreme price for those who were His enemies.
What mankind lost in the sinfulness of Adam would be regained by the obedience of this Holy child. So now God looks on Him and justifies wicked sinners and makes them too, His own dear children.
It matters not what the world thinks of Him, or of us who are surrendered to His Lordship for our lives, we can say with great gratitude and joy, Merry Christmas!
God's best to all my friends out there.
Love in Jesus,
Royce Ogle


Nancy French said...


Hey -- Quick Christmas Eve note to thank you for the note on my Wal-Mart post. Check out

and you'll see why the good comments are appreciate.

:) They're rare, in other words.

Merry Christmas.


Bill Williams said...

May your knowledge and experience of the riches of God’s grace, abundantly lavished on us through the gift of His Son as our Savior and King, warm your souls and brighten your days through this holiday season. Merry Christmas! -bill

SteveY said...

Merry Christmas to you, brother, and your wonderful family. You all are dearly loved.