Thursday, December 07, 2006

Prayer # 2

People who get their prayers answered are people who pray!

It is a certainty that if you don’t pray you will not have an answer to prayer. On the other hand, most all of the people I have ever talked to who were in the habit of praying, believed that at least some of their prayers were answered. God wants all of us to pray. “And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint” (Luke 18:1). I Thess. 5:17 , Phil. 4:6 and dozens of other Bible verses make it clear that God desires that we pray, and about everything!

I am convinced that the sin of prayerlessness is the reason many Christians and churches are weak and impotent as I mentioned in the first post. God commands us to pray and when we don’t we sin, and we should confess and repent. Because of a lack of prayer churches often operate with budget deficits and look to proven business practices and fund raising rather than to God. Bible teachers and ministers teach others that “the just shall live by faith” and “without faith it is impossible to please Him” and then prove they don’t really believe what they teach by employing every method imaginable to get financial means rather than sincere crying out to a loving God in prayer, first.

So I say to you dear reader, start praying! You will find that most all of your problems both spiritually, and otherwise, will be helped if you will just pray. How often have I come to God in prayer only to be reminded of some sin I should forsake?, Or some thing left undone that I should do. (Matt 5:23,24)

Many times it is in the act of prayer that God reminds me of a promise I have read in the Bible that I can claim to build my faith and help my unbelief. You will find that in your secret place of prayer is where the Holy Spirit will often give direction and lead you to what is best and holy.
Start praying!


Bill Williams said...


I didn't even need to read this post to know I liked it...just because of the title!!!

Thanks for the insight and encouragement.


SteveY said...

Thank you for always letting the scripture speak. The Word of God is so refreshing and always humbling. Love ya brother.

Royce Ogle said...

Thanks Bill and Steve for your visit and your comments.

I too look forward to seeing what God has for me in regard to prayer.

How's the new baby Steve?

Grace and Peace,
Royce Ogle