Thursday, October 12, 2006

Musings on a chilly Thursday

My humming birds, who have faithfully entertained us for the summer, have headed off to South America. They will likely meet several thousand of their feathered fellows in Rock Port, Texas where they will feed like crazy and then its off for a 1500 mile, non stop flight to Mexico and then to South America. I will miss them until they return in mid April next spring.

My wife and I have been blessed to work with an infant church in Bayou La Batre, Alabama for the past several months. The church grew out of an ongoing relief/rocovery effort for the people of the bayou area. They have had to overcome huge obsticles and yet they stay on the job, loving, building, cleaning, hugging, praying, and worshiping God. Both the church (Bayou La Batre church of Christ) and the recovery ministry (Bayou Recovery Project) needs help.
The church needs a building where thy can better meet the needs of their members and future members. They are now meeting in an Odd Fellows Hall and have no room for classes for the kids. They need a full time preacher. We have and are sending men from our church (Whites Ferry Rd coC) and other churches are doing the same until God sends someone to put down roots and stay and love the people. They are grace centered, love God, are committed to the Lordship of Jesus, and want to reach their neigborhood for Him.
The Bayou Recovery Project needs money and volunteers. They have groups scheduled but always need more. They need money for materials. They have done an amazing job with little resources. The driving force is two senior ladies. These ladies can out work anyone 40 years their junior. Their energy and excitement is contageous.
If you can help or want more information, email me at and I will get the info to them. They should have a website up in the next 2 weeks. If you can do nothing more, please say a prayer for them.
I am in my 60th year and have been a disciple of Jesus for over 45 of those years. I am as thankful, excited, and humbeled as ever before. The most exciting part of my life is seeing God change people.
My wife and I facilitate a Grief Share group on Wednesday nights, she is the Ministry Coordinator of WFR Relief Ministry, I am a Realtor, sometimes preacher, Papa to 6 little people,
and follower of Jesus Christ. God is at work in every area of my life, and for that I am grateful.
I have met some wonderful people through blogging. Thanks to those of you who have been kind with your remarks. For those of you have been unkind I will only say, at least have the courage to put your name on your comments or emails.
I am and have been rather transparent in my blog articles. I have been honest about what I believe about God, the Bible, and local churches. Those of you who read my stuff have been very gracious and I do not take that lightly.
Reading many of your blogs has been both a blessing and encouraging. I look forward to the future with thanksgiving, for I have read the book, and we who are Christ's win!
Grace and Peace,


Wade Tannehill said...


Good post. It's good to have an "about the author" kind of post once in a while. Then we know more about who we're reading. Good to hear about all the good works you are involved in. Keep up the good work and keep blogging. You have good things to share. Oh, and there is a way to block anonymous comments. But you probably knew that.

Royce Ogle said...

Thanks Wade for those kind words. I always appreciate you stopping by. And, I invite my readers to visit Wade's blog. It is a good one!

Grace and Peace,

Falantedios said...

Dear Royce,

Thank you for your enriching comments at Fumbling. I'm passing along the Bayou Le Batre information to our congregation's leadership here at Myrtle Avenue. We're real small, but I hope we can find it in our hearts to help.

in HIS love,

Royce Ogle said...

Thank you Nick. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Grace and Peace,
Royce Ogle