Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Virgin Birth of Jesus

Why did God choose that Jesus would be born of a virgin? Could he not have had Him born to Mary and Joseph and still live without sin? After all, He is God.

By all measures that I know of, the virgin birth is one of the essential and foundational facts about God's plan of redemption that is only denied by the most offensive unbelievers.

Why do you think it is so important?

Why did God plan it that way? Or, do we know why.

I am interested to see what you think.

Grace and Peace,
Royce Ogle


preacherman said...

You keep us thinking.
I think it Jesus was born of a virgin becuase virgins are holy, pure, as sign of who God is and desires. It is important the was born of a virgin.
I think God planned it that way to send a message to the world of a God who is holy, pure but is willing to become man so that we might be holy, and pure children of God though the blood of His one and Only.

Great thoughts.

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

I am scratching my head ... when I come up with the answer I will let you know, :-)

Bobby Valentine